Since 2014, I have been actively engaged in sharing and harnessing my professional experience and knowledge with a broader audience. There are a number of topics that I’m passionate about, such as what makes a “good” leader, what challenges women executives face in their careers, and what it takes to succeed in a project with senior stakeholders. I wrote my bachelor’s thesis in psychology about “toxic leadership”, investigating what makes a workplace psychologically toxic and what are the potential consequences of destructive leadership.
The following list gives you a taste of how and where I have shared my thoughts with professionals since 2014. I am open to opportunities to speak on similar topics at conferences, seminars or workshops, as well as moderate roundtable discussions, conduct interviews, and write articles.
Lecturing at conferences and seminars
– In April 2014, at the national Project Management Forum organized by the Scientific Association for Infocommunications (HTE) in Budapest, I gave a key note talk on the role of senior leaders in projects, entitled Senior Managers as Success Factors of Projects.
– Since 2017, I have been a guest speaker at the Department of Strategy and Project Management at Corvinus University, Budapest. I deliver thought-provoking lectures to undergraduate and post-graduate students on the importance of emotional intelligence in projects.
– In May 2018, I gave a presentation during Citygroup’s PM awareness week, entitled Women in (Project) Management.
– In April 2019 I gave a presentation on leadership at the 16th Simonyi Conference of the Technical University in Budapest, entitled Leadership 4.0: are leaders born or made? The recording of the lecture is available here (in Hungarian at the moment).
Facilitating workshops & roundtables
– In October 2016, I delivered key note talk on the occasion of the opening of the Women Project Managers Club at the Hungarian Project Management Association (PMSZ), entitled Women in Project Management.
– In June 2018, I facilitated a round-table discussion with IT and HR executives at the annual conference of the Hungarian Senior IT Leaders Association (VISZ) and gave an introductory presentation, entitled Women in IT: Women, Quota, IT.
Conducting interviews
– In September 2016, I conducted an interview in English with Albert Quarishi, an international IT consultant, on agile methodology, organized by the Hungarian Project Management Institute.
– My other professional interviews can be found under the Interviews menu.
Writing articles
– In 2016, I wrote an article entitled Women in Project Management, for a Project Management Seminar organized by the University of Technology in Budapest which summarizes the most important international research available on the topic.
– I wrote my Bachelor’s thesis in Psychology on toxic leadership, entitled Understanding and Measuring the Impacts on organizations of Negative, Toxic Leadership. Should you have any comments or suggestions regarding the topic, please do not hesitate to contact me.
– My other articles can be found under the Articles menu.